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A platform for promoting effective charity in Kharkiv region

Our mission is to support the quality and reliability of interaction between volunteers and charitable organizations, the ultimate beneficiaries - recipients of assistance. We believe that true philanthropy is possible only when initiatives and resources are used as effectively as possible.

The Kharkiv Volunteers Union has created an IT platform that ensures the convenience of interaction between volunteers and charitable organizations-partners of the Kharkiv Volunteers Union, prevents abuse of aid and increases the quality and efficiency of charitable activities.


The platform has the following functionality:

  1. There is a volunteer register of the Kharkiv Volunteer Union with the possibility of obtaining extracts from it, which confirm the volunteer status (active, inactive, suspended, excluded). Therefore, each volunteer of the Kharkiv Volunteers Union confirms their activity and transparency with photo reports of their activities in order to receive an extract from the register. Thus, the active status of a volunteer of the Kharkiv Union of Volunteers testifies to the reliability of the volunteer and the confirmed  reputation of the quality of reports on the receipt and delivery of aid.

  2. The register of funds and organizations that provide assistance to SVH as an operator on the territory of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, conditions and rules of cooperation with them, features of reporting, history of communication and prospects for expanding cooperation to other categories of population and defenders in need of charitable assistance.

  3. Register of healthcare, education, emergency services, public organizations that need charitable assistance and receive it from volunteers of the Kharkiv Volunteer Union.

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